Taxi Statistic Turkey

Taxi rates in Turkey

  • Currently we have 11 taxi rates from Turkey in our database
  • Taxi rate Izmir is valid for the longest time (since January 2019)
  • Taxi rate Istanbul was updated last (in August 2024)

Taxi costs in Turkey

Cheapest Average Most expensive
Base fee ŧ2.50 €0.07 $0.07


ŧ7.91 €0.21 $0.22 ŧ30.00 €0.80 $0.84


Kilometer price 2)

per kilometer

ŧ2.31 €0.06 $0.06


ŧ8.26 €0.22 $0.23 ŧ33.13 €0.89 $0.93


Waiting time

per hour

ŧ0.00 €0.00 $0.00


ŧ47.09 €1.26 $1.32 ŧ235.00 €6.30 $6.56


Most expensive 3)

1. Antalya ŧ265.00 €7.10 $7.40
2. Istanbul ŧ190.00 €5.09 $5.31
3. Mugla ŧ40.00 €1.07 $1.12
4. Eskisehir ŧ40.00 €1.07 $1.12
5. Izmir ŧ33.50 €0.90 $0.94

Cheapest 3)

1. Gaziantep ŧ18.50 €0.50 $0.52
2. Trabzon ŧ24.00 €0.64 $0.67
3. Kayersi ŧ27.00 €0.72 $0.75
4. Adana ŧ27.00 €0.72 $0.75
5. Bursa ŧ30.40 €0.81 $0.85

2) Average kilometer price of the first 8 kilometers driven without any standing or waiting fees..
3) The basis for calculating the cheapest and most expensive tariffs is a taxi ride of 8 kilometers in the day tariff. The taxi statistics for Turkey published here may be freely used for publications, quoting as the source.