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Valid since January 1, 2024
Last checked: 2025-01-08

Taxi Rate Brussels

The taxi rate for Brussels valid since January 2024.

Valid since January 1, 2024
Last checked: 2025-01-08

Taxi tariffs in Belgium are officially set by cities or districts.

The taxi tariff Brussels was last set in January 2024 and published in the official tariff ordinance.

It is binding for all taxis and taxi companies within the compulsory driving area and may not be exceeded or undercut. This is ensured by officially calibrated taximeters installed in the taxis.

The Brussels taxi rate shown here was published 2024-01-01 on January 1, 2024. It was last checked by our team CHECKED_YMD. If you are aware of an update and the tariff shown is no longer valid, please let us know using the corresponding button. We will then check the rate immediately.

Daily rate

Taxi rate details

These rate apply unless the night rates applies.

Base fee incl. 2.3 km € 8.00
Price per kilometer € 2.30
Stand-/Waiting (per hour) € 0.00

Nightly rate

Every day between 10:00pm and 6:00am.

Base fee incl. 2.3 km € 10.00
Price per kilometer € 2.30
Stand-/Waiting (per hour) € 0.00

Additional fees


  • In the ranking of the cheapest cab fares in Belgium, the Brussels taxi rate takes place out of .

    1. Brussels € 21.11
    2. Ghent € 26.83
    4. Charleroi € 30.50
Fare-/Distancediagram Brussels 2024

Historical development

  • The current Brussels taxi rate has been valid for days. Since , the rate has been updated every days on average.

We have a total of 2 historical taxi fares in our database for Brussels. In the following diagram we show the price development since 2018 until today. The calculation is based on a one-way trip of 8 kilometers at the daily rate with a waiting time of 5 minutes.

Historical development of taxi rate Brussels since 2018