Taxi Rate Copenhagen

The currently valid taxi tariff 2) - Published December 2023 20231201)

Info about this taxi rate

Taxi prices may be negotiated freely in Denmark.

We recommend that you negotiate a fixed price on the basis of our calculation before you start your journey. In this case, the agreed fare should be entered in the taximeter before departure. The taximeter must remain switched on during the journey.

Taxi companies must disclose their respective standard fare in the taxi. Area of taxi rate Copenhagen

Nearby taxi rates in the area
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Taxi rate information

by day

Base fee: DKK39.00

Kilometer price: DKK11.00

Waiting time per hour: DKK600.00

by night

Monday to Friday from 8:00pm until 4:00am. Saturday and Sunday all day.

Base fee: DKK49.00

Kilometer price: DKK14.70

Waiting time per hour: DKK690.00


  • When crossing a toll bridge, the customer also pays for the return ticket.
  • Fee for crossing The Oresund Bridge: DKK 350,-
  • Fee for crossing Great Belt (The Storebælt Bridge): Daily price + administration fee

2) We last checked the taxi rate Copenhagen on February 4th, 2025. If you think that the rate for Copenhagen is outdated, you can report it via our contact form. We will then check for updates immediately.

Statistics 1)

In the ranking list of the most expensive taxi tariffs in Denmark the taxi tariff Copenhagen occupies

Place 3 of 3

The basis for calculating the cheapest and most expensive tariffs is a taxi ride of 8 kilometers in the day tariff.

Distance by day by night
1 km
2 km
3 km
4 km
5 km
6 km
7 km
8 km
9 km
10 km
15 km
20 km
50 km
100 km

This table does not contain any stand and waiting times but only takes the driven distance into account.

Calculate your Taxi Fare Copenhagen now!